I reside in Southern New Mexico USA. I used to live in Tahoe (Nevada side) and split time in Palo Alto, California, but in 2021 during the pandemic I made the big move to Las Cruces, which I absolutely love!
Email is the best way to get in touch with me (gmyoungblood AT gmail DOT com). I do maintain a zero inbox, so I usually respond within 24 hours—but no guarantees.
I live in the northern farm lands of the Mesilla Valley near Las Cruces and the Borderplex area of New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico
Attributions:Black Hat icon by Icons8
Unless otherwise noted, all page and website content Copyright ©️MCMLXX-MMXXIV by G. Michael Youngblood. All Rights Reserved.
Unless otherwise noted, all page and website content Copyright ©️MCMLXX-MMXXIV by G. Michael Youngblood. All Rights Reserved.